The other day I was reviewing with Tim, whom I hired to help ship posters, the number of unexpected snafus we've ran into trying to ship rewards to backers as quickly as possible. (Nearly all posters have shipped at this point, with the exception of a final batch to be retrieved by the post office tomorrow, as well as those who asked us to delay shipment.)But the following gaffe really takes the cake. Late Christmas Eve night, John P., a backer who had received his poster, sent me this note:“My Brooklyn Bridge poster just arrived and I love it! I did notice that the spelling of ‘Brooklyn’ was wrong on mine. Not sure if this has come up before?”I thought he was joking. To my amazement and horror, he was not.Apparently this typo has been in the artwork nearly since day one, as the title is one of the first things I add when starting a new piece—it's usually the easiest thing to figure out. Hundreds of times I've looked at the artwork and never noticed it. I even kerned the title's characters by hand on more than one occasion and didn't pick up on it.Just as astounding, the typo has been in plain sight for weeks on this project's page, as well as other locations. No one has noticed (or at least didn't mention it). Here are just a few examples:  And this is in addition to the dozens of people with whom I shared a printed proof throughout the printing process.Yesterday I began consulting with a few people about how to proceed, given the enormous costs involved in reprinting and reshipping if it comes to that. I'm continuing to consult with others today, and I hope to present a plan to you very soon. In the meantime, any thoughts, candid frustrations, or words of encouragement will all be helpful to ensure I proceed properly. P.S. Whatever the outcome, this'll make for one remarkable story if my artwork ever shows up on "Antiques Roadshow" decades from now.

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