Docker Explained: How To Containerize Python Web Applications | DigitalOceandigitalocean.com
In this DigitalOcean article, we'll talk about 'containerizing' Python web applications in order to have them in very secure sandboxes, absolutely kept within their own environments (unless you explicitly 'link' them to another). In order to achieve t -
ElasticHQ - ElasticSearch monitoring and management app - no installelastichq.org
Allows to connect to Elasticsearch on localhost to monitor and manage the cluster. -
System Administration Screencastssysadmincasts.com
Short linux sysadmin screencasts containing tutorials, tips and tricks. Great for both novice and experienced Sysdmins. -
A Proper Server Naming Schememnx.io
It’s a problem that goes back as far as computers have existed, and everyone has their own opinion on the “best” way to name hosts. Most methods start out fine at the beginning, but quickly become unwieldy as infrastructure expands and adapts over time. - dzone.com
How to Save 90% on Your S3 Bill | AppNetaappneta.com
Asgard allows us to easily spot aberrations in our usage patterns which cost AppNeta money. One of those was a somewhat high cost in our S3 bill. -
AWS Tips I Wish I'd Known Before I Started | Notes | W(e)blinkswblinks.com
A collection of random tips for Amazon Web Services (AWS) that I wish I'd been told a few years ago, based on what I've learned by building and deploying various applications on AWS. - launchbylunch.com
Marvel | Elasticsearchelasticsearch.org
monitor your cluster’s heartbeat get complete transparency into the state of your elasticsearch deployment View your cluster status in a simple, single pane overview Deep dive into your Elasticsearch, Apache Lucene and system metrics Visualize cluster ... - blog.backblaze.com
Growing from the Few to the Many: Scaling the Operations Organization at Facebookinfoq.com
Pedro Canahuati describes how Facebook's operations maintains their infrastructure, including challenges faced and lessons learned: prioritizing calls, managing technical debt, incident management. - stavros.io