- viralcircus.com
- jakeaustwick.me
Capturing Audio & Video in HTML5 - HTML5 Rockshtml5rocks.com
How to capture audio and video using the navigator.getUserMedia() API. - bootswatch.com
Bootstrap google plus templatebootstrapzero.com
Bootstrap google plus template example. This is a free, responsive starter template and theme for Bootstrap 3 from BootstrapZero. -
NomadList — the best cities to live and work remotelynomadlist.io
The best cities to live and work remotely for digital nomads, based on cost of living, weather, internet speed and other metrics. For startups that work remote and digital nomads. -
The 10 Timeless Productivity Hacksslideshare.net
Here are the 10 timeless work habits or productivity hacks that will make you more productive today. -
A Smattering of NLP in Pythonnbviewer.ipython.org
This presentation will cover a handful of the NLP building blocks provided by NLTK (and a few additional libraries), including extracting text from HTML, stemming & lemmatization, frequency analysis, and named entity recognition. Several of these c... -
Custom Elements - A Web Components Gallery for Modern Web Appscustomelements.io
Web Components Gallery for Modern Web Apps - component.kitchen
Google I/O 2014 - Polymer and Web Components change everything you know about Web developmentyoutube.com
Speaker(s): Eric Bidelman Description: Web components are a game changer. Unlike other new features, the technologies are purely about developer productivity... -
Google I/O 2014 - Polymer and the Web Components revolutionyoutube.com
Speaker(s): Matt McNulty Description: A huge opportunity is brewing. One where web development becomes a powerfully rich ecosystem of discoverable, sharable,... - googlewebcomponents.github.io
- polymer-project.org
Inbox: the next-generation email platforminboxapp.com
Inbox is a modern email platform, with clean APIs that work with existing accounts on Gmail, Yahoo, and others. See the announcement for details to start building today. -
500 Startups Announces 'KISS' @500.co500.co
The KISS docs are designed to SAVE founders & investors TIME and MONEY. They’re FREE legal docs you can use to RAISE MONEY quickly & easily, hopefully WITHOUT GETTING SCREWED.* -
ALGORITHM - Of hackers and DRMvimeo.com
Little shlomo bergstein attempts to apply DRM to an online video stream about hackers. - readwrite.com
- therevolvinginternet.com
System Administration Screencastssysadmincasts.com
Short linux sysadmin screencasts containing tutorials, tips and tricks. Great for both novice and experienced Sysdmins.